They say there is a very real likelihood of our first frost tonight and Kevin covered the remaining chard and lettuce with row cover. The broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage can withstand a frost but the last of the eggplant, peppers and tomatoes were harvested ahead of schedule in an effort to save the final share of these fall crops for our Tuesday share distribution. It's been an amazing season, with so much to be thankful for including a dedicated team, mild summer temperatures, thriving plants and enthusiastic members. It's hard to believe the season is over for another year.
The change in seasons felt very real today. Kevin picked up our rye seed which will be planted in the fields once the rows are cleared. We roasted our pie pumpkins for pie and tried a new recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds.
News from the Coop: The hens are laying!! We saw our first egg about two weeks ago, a small brown one in the corner of their coop. Since then, they have started laying in their nesting boxes and we are up to 4 eggs a day as of this morning. As they mature, each hen should lay one egg each morning. They can often be heard announcing their accomplishment for all to hear. Good job girls! We're trying to figure out a way to give the chickens a little more room to roam but we have predators to worry about, especially hawks. For now, the barreds and reds remain within the safe confines of their coop. They still enjoy foraging on their patch of pasture which changes from week to week.
A while back I invited our Assisant Farm Manager, to write a post for our farm blog. She responded with a series of photographs that show a glimpse of the 2014 season here. The images are lovely reminders of our community supported agriculture program this year. One of my favorites is the very first picture of seeding onions - it all begins with a tiny seed and a heck of a lot of hope.
Now that another season at Appelget Farm is drawing to a close and the days are getting short, I have some spare time to finally write a blog post.
October seems the perfect time for reflection on the past few months. It's been a pleasure working with the Appelget Family. Without them and the wonderful crew we had this year, it would not be possible to continue the ambitious goal of supplying the local community with fresh food every week. Getting to know members, chatting during distributions and discovering all the delicious ways food becomes part of your life has been one of the most rewarding parts of the job. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.
I've managed to take a few photos throughout the year and would like to share what a farming season looks like from my perspective. I hope you enjoy!